Creative Development

Creative development is the ability to respond to experiences by expressing ideas and imagination through music, dance, dramatic play, and art.

Children who score higher on tests of imagination and creativity develop stronger problem-solving strategies (Brown, Sutterfy & Thronton, 2008). Experience Curriculum is an arts-infused curriculum that allows children to take creative risks, make connections, and explore their curiosity in meaningful ways. “Play is a safe place where children are exploring the expression of emotion with no attending consequences” (Gaskins and Miller, 2009).

Creative Development skills and goals integrated within the Experience Curriculum:

30 Music

30.1 Develops rhythm and tone
30.2 Expresses through music

31 Dance and Movement

31.1 Develops dance and movement techniques
31.2 Expresses through dance and movement

32 Visual Arts

32.1 Develops artistic techniques
32.2 Expresses through visual arts

33 Drama

33.1 Participates in dramatic play
33.2 Uses and creates props

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