Language and Literacy Development

Language and Literacy Development

Language and literacy skills refer to a child’s ability to communicate and connect with others through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Learning language is a social experience and requires symbolic processing. The relationship between thought and word is “not a thing, but a process, a continual movement back and forth from thought to word and from word to thought” (Vygotsky, 1962, p. 125). Experience Curriculum is a literacy-rich curriculum and invites children to ask questions and explore ideas through discussion and dramatic play. Moreover, we encourage children to construct autobiographical narratives in the form of storytelling, journaling and drawing. Language skills are some of the best predictors of academic success (Snowling, Hulme, Bailey, Strothard & Lindsay, 2011).

Language and Literacy skills and goals integrated within Experience Curriculum:

7 Listening Comprehension

7.1 Comprehends spoken language
7.2 Follows verbal directions

8 Communication

8.1 Communicates ideas
8.2 Speaks in sentences

9 Vocabulary

9.1 Builds vocabulary

10 Phonological Awareness

10.1 Hears small units of sound
10.2 Identifies rhyme and alliteration

11 Concepts of Print

11.1 Demonstrates print knowledge

12 Letter/Word Recognition

12.1 Identifies letters and words
12.2 Makes letter-sound connections

13 Reading Comprehension

13.1 Responds to text
13.2 Retells, asks and answers questions

14 Emergent Writing

14.1 Writes name, words and sentences
14.2 Expresses through writing

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