4 Quiet and Calm Learning Centers

The physical layout of the classroom is a direct reflection of the teacher’s planning and student learning. It should be organized, well laid out, comfortable, and offer a variety of developmentally appropriate tools for the students. When this is in place, the children will benefit in their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Create zones in your classroom, with active, loud centers separate from quiet and calm centers. Read on to create 4 types of quiet and calm learning centers.

Considering the placement of areas, or centers, in your classroom avoids disruption and or negative interaction between the play spaces. Placing a noisy music area near a quiet reading area can cause distraction and disruption. 

Create these centers within the quiet and calm zone: Writing, library, ABC and Math and manipulatives.

Writing Center

In the writing center, children practice writing with a variety of writing tools, exploring letters or making marks. Use letter and phonics cards, word wall and key vocabulary words from Experience Curriculum in your writing centers.

There are many types of materials you can include in your writing center including: 

  • Word Wall
  • Vocabulary words
  • Journals
  • Notebooks
  • Writing tools
  • Alphabet poster
  • stickers
  • Bookmaking materials
  • Clipboards

Library Center

A library or book area should be included in every classroom. Include:

  • Fiction & nonfiction books
  • Pillows
  • Chairs
  • Stuffed animals
  • Nursery rhyme posters
  • Flannel board
  • Puppets
  • Storytelling sets -Magnets, puppets, sequencing cards

Making books available to young children to explore during center time in the library, helps children develop a love of reading and books. Children practice concepts of print by holding books, turning pages, and identifying words and letters. They read favorite books and use their imagination to read new stories. Preschool children will often read to younger children. 

Put books from your Experience Curriculum kits in your library. You will quickly build up a collection of quality books. Also include the magnetic storytelling sets that come with your kits in the library.

READ: Create a Calming Corner

Math & Manipulatives Center

In the math center, preschoolers learn number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, identifying patterns, problem-solving, counting, sequencing, matching, sorting, and classifying and sharpen visual discrimination skills.

Use math mats, manipulatives,  number cards and games from Experience Curriculum in your math center.

In the math center include:

  • Counters
  • sorting trays
  • counting toys
  • Dice
  • number games
  • measurement tools
  • games
  • puzzles
  • money
  • number books
  • Manipulatives

ABC Center

Preschoolers will play letter games and explore creating letters, playing letter and word games. Use Loose Letter parts and letter cards from Experience Curriculum in your literacy center.

  • Letter builders
  • Alphabet games
  • Phonics toys
  • Loose letter 
  • Alphabet toys
  • Writing materials
  • Alphabet cards
  • Loose letter parts
  • Letter writing sensory tray

Creating a balance of quiet and calm centers along with more active and loud centers, allows children to seek out these spaces and activities and learn to self-regulate as needed, creating a calmer, more enjoyable classroom.

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