What is Small Group Instruction? In preschool, we meet children’s needs through various avenues, including small group activities, large...
Archive for category: Experience Toddler
5 Ways to Explore Literacy & Language with Toddlers
Experience Early Learning, , Experience Toddler, Language and Literacy, Story TimeExperience Toddler curriculum includes twenty activities per week within the domains of Literacy & Language, Math & Reasoning, Music...
Large Group Activities: Music & Movement
Experience Early Learning, , Dance, Experience Preschool, Experience Toddler, Gross Motor Skills, Large Group, Music & MovementLarge Group Teaching Strategies What is the role of the teacher during large group teaching? How can you implement...
Large Group Activities: Circle Time
Experience Early Learning, , Circle Time, Experience Preschool, Experience Toddler, Large GroupLarge Group Teaching Strategies What is the role of the teacher during large group teaching? How can you implement...
Large Group Spaces & Routines
Experience Early Learning, , Circle Time, Experience Preschool, Experience Toddler, Large Group, Music & Movement, Story Time, Teaching StrategyAs they grow, children need opportunities to interact with others, build their own thoughts and ideas and have opportunities...
Teach Literacy Skills With Toddler Fingerplays
Experience Early Learning, , Experience Toddler, Language and LiteracyWhat Are Fingerplays? Fingerplays are brief rhymes, stories or songs that use finger movements to help tell the story....
Looking for a preview of September’s Experience Toddler Kit? Get ready to be inspired! See our current themes. Keep your toddlers active...
Integrating Experience Toddler Into The Daily Schedule
Experience Early Learning, , Experience ToddlerA daily routine can help children feel safe and confident so they can learn and take risks throughout the...
Multiple short and highly interactive large group times are more effective than one long Circle Time with toddlers. We...
Facilitating Group Times With Toddlers
Experience Early Learning, , Experience Toddler, Free DownloadsEstablishing a Daily Routine for Toddlers A daily routine can help toddlers feel safe and confident so they can...
Learning happens naturally through games. songs. art and stories. Try One Free Full Day and see how Experience Curriculum weaves 35 Core Early Learning Skills into an action-packed day of discovery!
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