Stay Connected with Home Learning Bags
Everything you need is inside the Experience Preschool Curriculum
As many children are staying home, use the contents in your Experience Preschool Curriculum to create your very own BEE SMART at HOME LEARNING Bags. This is a wonderful way for you to stay connected with the children.
It’s easy. Here is how in 5 simple steps.
Watch the video or read below.
Open your Experience Curriculum Kit: Bird Theme (featured this April). Find and open the first 5 lesson bags
2. Remove the child project materials from each of the bags. Then, put each art project in a small zip bag for each child. Find these materials in the first 5 days:
3. Put each art project in a separate little bag for each child.
4. After you have done this for all 5 lesson, combine all the little bags to make a one week BEE SMART at Home bag.
5. Download and print this free Parent Letter to go on top of the weekly BEE SMART at Home Bag
If desired, write a quick personalized note in the corner of the printed parent letter and send it in the mail! Children love to see their name on mail!
Use the BEE SMART at HOME bags
as a special gift from you to families.
They will know you are thinking of them and will enjoy some family home learning time together.
Birds and Egg Preschool Curriculum Kit Available here