Circle Time is a common part of the preschool routine. The purpose of Circle Time is to welcome the...
Archive for category: Teaching Strategy
5 Easy but Educational Water Play Ideas
Experience Early Learning, , Activity Ideas, Sensory, Teaching StrategyWater play invites children of all ages to investigate math and science while building important motor and problem-solving skills. Brain...
3 Temperaments: Which One is Yours?
Experience Early Learning, , Behavior, Classroom Displays, Classroom Management, Routines and Transitions, Social Emotional Development, Teaching StrategyDo you have a mix of preschool age personalities this year? Do the children seem to blend perfectly on one day and...
How to Monitor Growth Over Time
Experience Early Learning, , Assessment, Child Development, Skills, Teaching StrategyThe typical course of a lively day with preschoolers can make it very difficult to feel like you really...
No More Math Anxiety
Experience Early Learning, , Activity Ideas, Math and Reasoning, Teaching StrategyHow you teach math today has a big impact on how children approach solving math problems in the future....
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